June 11, 2012

First Post Ever!

Hi, welcome to Apolaustic Soul!

Apolaustic: Devoted to enjoyment
Soul: A person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identity

A lifestyle blog featuring recipes, daily eats, beauty and outfits.  I will blog about pretty much anything that is inspiring me or making me happy, although I will try to focus on food and fashion as they are my two main passions. 

Let me begin by introducing myself.  My name is Leah and I am 25.  I am a wife, mother, sister, friend and student among many other things!

This is a picture of my hubby Salvatore (Sal) and I on our wedding day.

This is a picture of my adorable, hilarious and sweet son Giovanni (Gio).  He is 5 years old and ALL boy.  He is obsessed with hockey, superheros and anything that goes fast.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you will stay awhile!

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